Did We Just Become Milfs?

Welcome to 'Did We Just Become Milfs?'-your weekly dose of mom therapy, the podcast where we dive headfirst into the wild and wonderful world of motherhood while simultaneously fighting to keep our own identity alive.

Join us as we navigate the highs, lows, and everything in between, bringing you real conversations about the things they don't tell you in the pregnancy & parenting handbooks.

From days of defeat to victories & milestones, we're here to share our personal journeys, chat with vetted experts and foster a community that laughs together, learns together, and survives the chaos together.

Expect honesty, rawness, maybe some hormonal tears mixed with a healthy dose of humor. Because at the end of the day, we're all just moms holding onto our sanity while still grasping at the feeling of being young, wild & hot.

So, grab your preferred beverage of survival —whether it's coffee, tea, or a well-deserved glass of wine—your weekly mom therapy session starts now! This is 'Did We Just Become Milfs?’

Mom-To-Mom Giveback

Tayla and I put some thought into ways that we can give back to this community of moms or future moms, pretty much any woman that's a part of this community. We totally understand and see how we are so privileged in what we do for work, that we are able to be partly at home moms, but able to work from home as well too. We are so grateful for the life that we have, and we know that doesn't look the same for every single mom out there.

We are also exposed to so many brands and amazing products and our gifted great things that we'd love to pay forward to any mom in need. So we came up with this concept called Mom to Mom, and it's our monthly give back where every single month we'll be choosing one mom story to highlight anonymously. And in whichever way that we can support her physically, emotionally, financially, we'd love to create a little care package to send to that mom.

We want to be able to give, at any stage of motherhood that somebody is in. If it’s diapers or preparing to give birth, and there are some things that we can help and give a mom to prepare for birth.

Like a postpartum care package.

This could be you, or this could be a friend of yours that is a mom in need. So they way to enter is just DM us our story or someone else’s story, or email us.
